Introducing the
Dumbbell Safety Rack
Model DSR2023

Getting dumbbells in the proper starting position for many exercises can be a challenge! Our innovation is an adjustable platform that places dumbbells in the proper position to workout. It features ergonomically designed cradles lined with memory foam, making it possible to work out with heavy dumbbells, safely and silently....in any position!
The Dumbbell Safety Rack also functions as an ergogenic aid. Now dumbbells don’t have to be hoiked into position, allowing one to lift more weight and complete more reps, unassisted. Because space is a premium for gym owners, we have designed the Dumbbell Safety Rack to sit around existing benches (26" ID), so it has virtually no footprint.

Dumbbells in place ready to go

Adjust to desired height

Less dumbbell juggling

Dumbbells in place ready to go
Laser cut, and fabricated from American steel the DSR2023 was engineered to hold up to 2X 200lb dumbbells. It is adjustable from 18" up to 60" and can be easily positioned for decline, flat bench, incline and even military press. The dumbbell safety rack can be used without a bench, and places dumbbells in perfect position for lower and upper body work: arms, shoulders, squats, and lunges.